Short description of the innovation program
Withing the framework of the GINOP-1.2.2-15-2015-00441 tender, titled “Establishing contained spring production”, the innovation resulted in procuring several machines specialized to produce springs, as well as supplementing equipment for target machines of the production process. These machines include: 1 CNC automatic spring producing machine, 1 electromechanical coiling machine, 1 hydraulic coiling machine, 2 mobile heat processing ovens and 1 hydraulic press. By implementing this innovation (August 25, 2016), we could achieve a more effective and cost-efficient production process, which allowed us to keep up with our competitors.
Characteristics and Application
1. The CSC-80T automatic spring producing machine allows the bulk production of pressure and tension springs with the wire thickness between Ø3,0 –8,0 mm.
2. The OBW-8 coiling machine uses an electromotor to mark the body of tension springs produced by automatic spring production machines (such as the CSC-80T) with a wire thickness of Ø4 –Ø8 mm and an outer spring diameter of Ø22 –Ø90 mm.
3. The MPK-16 hydraulic coiling machine uses a hydraulic cylinder to mark large body tension springs without using manual force, with a wire thickness of Ø7 –Ø16 mm and an outer spring diameter of Ø35 –Ø180 mm.
4. PH-90 mobile electric heat processing oven. With a heating range of up to 500°C, the oven allows for the heat processing of springs produced by automatic spring producing machines with a wire thickness of Ø0,1 –Ø1,5 mm, which is essential for the production of every spring: through the process, springs become ready-made already by the production machine, saving time and logistics.
5. The CTP 77/540 (30t) hydraulic cylinder allows us to bend various Belleville springs in a more efficient way, as our previously used 2 cylinders were already overloaded.
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3943 Bodrogolaszi, Ország út 1/A